Spend Analysis & Recovery Services II - RM3820

The Spend Analysis & Recovery Services II (SARS II) framework provides spend recovery and related services.
How Bramble Hub works
We operate as a thin prime contractor with a diverse network of subcontractors. Our public sector customers get access to hundreds of innovative suppliers. Our suppliers get a contracting route to work they otherwise wouldn't get. We match customers with suppliers and we eliminate the pain of procurement for both sides.

Spend Analysis & Recovery Services (SARS) II
Start date:
Current end date:
Web page:
Page on Crown Commercial Service website

(Please note that Spend Analysis & Recovery Services (SARS) II – RM3820 has now expired)

Framework Lots

Bramble Hub can supply on the following Lots on this framework:

Lot 2 - End to End Review

This includes Statement transaction review - Payment error review - Contract Compliance General Review - Data Analytics.

News about this framework

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